Attorneys for Employees who Are Denied their Rightful Wages
When you agree to spend your time working as an employee of a company, you do it in exchange for wages. While many of us take it for granted that our company is going to pay us for the work that we do, there are men and women every day in Long Beach who struggle to get their employers to give them the paychecks that they have rightfully earned. At our attorneys understand the complex issues that surround unpaid wages and the legal claims to get the payment you are owed. Our attorneys know California employment law and they will review the facts of your situation and advise you on the best way to proceed with your claim for unpaid wages. Call our offices today to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced unpaid wages lawyers serving Long Beach and start the process of getting the money you are rightfully owed.
Types of Unpaid Wages Claims
Unpaid wage claims develop as a result of many different types of scenarios. Sometimes an employer is willfully holding back wages, in an attempt to cheat the worker. In other situations, the employer does not have the requisite amount of money to make payroll, so they make excuses and promise future payments but never come through on them. Regardless of the reasoning, it’s important to remember that you have a right to be paid for the time you have worked. At, our attorneys can help you with the following types of unpaid wage claims:
- Unpaid Overtime: Overtime is one of the most common types of unpaid wage claims. When you work overtime, you are entitled to overtime pay. Many employees either refuse to pay the overtime rate you are entitled to, or the refuse to pay for any of the overtime you worked. Hire an attorney to ensure that you are compensated fairly for the time (and the overtime) you worked.
- Withheld Wages for Financial Reasons: Sometimes a company experiences financial difficulties and will withhold paychecks because they cannot make payroll. In these situations, you need to speak up and hire an attorney as soon as possible. If your company is in financial difficulty, there will be limited funds to go around, and your wages should be paid before any other creditor.
- Pay Docking: If your employer unfairly docks your pay for bathroom breaks or other legally-available breaks, you have a right to file a claim against them for unpaid wages.
How Can Help with Your Long Beach Unpaid Wages Claim
At Occupational Pensions our attorneys understand that unpaid wage cases can be difficult. Doing the calculations and learning that your pay is short is the easy part – getting your employer to pay you what you are owed is much more difficult. Unpaid wages are disruptive to a person’s financial health and to their job history. Call our experienced unpaid wages attorneys serving Long Beach today to learn how we can help you get the money you have earned.