If you experienced sexual harassment, you understand that it can be demoralizing, embarrassing, and traumatic. Imagine experiencing that stress and trauma every day when you are attempting to earn a living. Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal, yet it happens every day in Fresno and throughout the United States. If you experienced sexual harassment at work, you need to speak with an experienced sexual harassment lawyer as soon as possible. At Employment law firmca,, our attorneys can help you file a claim against your employer that will compensate you for your ordeal and also will prevent this harassment from happening in the future.
Sexual harassment comes in many different forms, and all of them are actionable as sexual harassment. Just because a person was not physically assaulted, or just because the aggressor was “joking around�? does not make it any less of harassment. Some of the common types of sexual harassment that our offices handle include:
- QUID PRO QUO HARASSMENT: Quid pro quo is the terminology used to describe harassment when sexual favors are requested or required in exchange for the benefits of employment. These can include promotions, salary, raises, or hiring in general. If a superior or a coworker pressured you or coerced you into sexual behavior with the promise of employment or promotion, you have a quid pro quo sexual harassment claim.
- HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT: Sometimes sexual harassment is not as black and white. Hostile work environment claims arise when one or more employees are made to feel uncomfortable by inappropriate comments, gestures, language, or media in the workplace. These situations can include behavior that is not directed toward the victim, such as discussions between two coworkers about inappropriate content that the victim is forced to listen to, or inappropriate photographs in a common work area.
- VERBAL vs. PHYSICAL HARASSMENT: Sexual harassment can be both verbal and physical, or either. With verbal harassment, comments made that are sexual in nature (even complimentary ones) are enough to constitute harassment. Physical harassment is the unwanted touching of a coworker in any manner, including touching a person’s shoulders, arms, or even their hair.
How Employment law firmca, Can Help You
If any of the above situations occurred in your Fresno workplace, you may be able to file a claim for compensation as a victim of sexual harassment. You should not have to fear harassment in the workplace and you should not have to live through the daily stress and trauma of working in an environment that is inappropriate. At Employment law firmca, we understand the sensitive subject matter of these claims and we know that choosing to file a sexual harassment claim can often be a difficult decision to make. Our attorneys will review the facts of your claim with you and describe the pros and cons of the legal options that are available to you. Call our offices today to speak with a sexual harassment lawyer about how we can help you.
Tags: Global Employee Mobility